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第 5 页:2010年高考英语试题参考答案及评分标准


  Decision-thinking is not unlike it often matters not only what you think , but also what others think you think what you think they think you think . The mental process(过程) is similar . Naturally , this card game has often been of considerable interest to people who are , by any standards , good thinkers .

  The great mathematician John von Neumann was one of the founders of game theory . In particular , he showed that all games fall into two classes ; there are what he called games of 'perfect information', games like chess where the players can't hide anything or play tricks ; they don't win by chance , but by means of logic and skills . Then there are games of 'imperfect information', like poker , in which it is impossible to know in advance that one course of action is better than another.

  One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information . Quite the reverse Business , life itself are games which we must normally play with very imperfect information . Business decisions are often made with many unknown and unknowable factors(因素), best poker players . But few business people find it comfortable to admit that they are taking a chance , and many still prefer to believe that they are playing chess , not poker.

  59.The subject discussed in this text is _________.

  A.the process of reaching decisions

  B.the difference between poker and chess.

  C.the secret of making good business plans

  D.the value of information in winning games

  60.An important factor in a game of imperfect information is ___________.

  A.rules B.luck C.time D.ideas

  61.Which of the following can be used in place of "Quite the reverse"?

  A.Quite right. B.True enough.

  C.Most unlikely. D.Just the opposite.

  62.In the writer's opinion , when making business decisions one should ___________ .

  A.put perfect information before imperfect information

  B.accept the existence of unknown factors

  C.regard business as a game of chess

  D.mix known and unknown factors


  Olaf Stapledon wrote a book called First and Last Men . in which he looked millions of years ahead . He told of different men and of strange civilisations(文明), broken up by long 'dark ages' in between . In his view , what is called the present time is no more than a moment in human history and we are just the First Men . In 2,000 million years from now there will be the Eighteenth or Last Men.

  However , most of our ideas about the future are really very short-sighted . Perhaps we can see some possibilities for the next fifty years . But the next hundred ? The next thousand? The next million? That's much more difficult.

  When men and women lived by hunting 50,000 years ago , how could they even begin to picture modern life? Yet to men of 50,000 years from now , we may seem as primitive(原始的)in our ideas as the Stone-Age hunters do to us . Perhaps through the cribe , These words , which I have just made up , have to stand for things and ideas that we simply can't think of .

  So why bother even to try imagining life far in the future ? Here are two reasons . First unless we remember how short our own lives are compared with the whole human history , we are likely to think our own interests are much more important than they really are . If we make the earth a poor place to live because . we are careless or greedy(贪婪) or quarrelsome . our grand-children will not bother to think of excuses for us.

  Second , by trying to escape from present interests and imagine life far in the future , we may arrive at quite fresh ideas that we can use ourselves . For example , if we imagine that in the future men may give up farming , we can think of trying it now . So set you imagination free when you think about the future .

  63.A particular mention made of Stapledon's book in the opening paragraph ____________

  A.serves as a description of human history

  B.serves an introduction to the discussion

  C.shows a disagreement of views

  D. Shows the popularity of the book

  64.The text discusses men and women 50,000 years ago and 50,000 years from now in order to show that _________.

  A.human history is extremely long

  B.life has changed a great deal

  C.it is useless to plan for the next 50 years

  D.it is difficult to tell what will happen in the future

  65.Spundels and ballalators are used in the text to refer to _________.

  A.tools used in farming B.ideas about modern life

  C.unknown things in the future D.hunting skills in the Stone Age

  66.According to the writer of the text , imagining the future will _________.

  A.serve the interests of the present and future generations

  B.enable us to better understand human history

  C.help us to improve farming

  D.make life worth living


  Excused from recycling(回收利用) because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute(垃圾道)? You won't be for long . Miami's Mark Shantzis has made it simple for those living in tall buildings to use the chute and recycle too .

  In Shantzis' Hi-Rise Recycling System , a chute leads to a pie-shaped container with six boxes that can turn around when operated . The system , which fits in the same space as the chute and container now in use , enables glass , plastic , paper , metal , and other rubbish to go into separate boxes .

  The system is controlled from a board next to the chute door . The board has a button for each class of recycling materials (as well as for unrecyclables). At the press of a button , a microcomputer locks all other floors' chute door and sets the recycling container turning until the right box comes under the chute . The computer also counts the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full . And a particular piece of equipment breaks up the nonrecyclables

  Sorting(分类) recyclables before they are collected saves the use of expensive materials recovery equipment which otherwise has to do the sorting . Such equipment often makes recycled materials very expensive , so expensive that tons of recyclables remain wasted . Shantzis believes his system could help recycled materials become more cost-effective.

  67.The purpose in writing this text is _________.

  A.to encourage people to recycle their rubbish

  B.to introduce a recycling system for high rises

  C.to describe the use of computer technology in recycling

  D.to explain the need for rubbish collection in high rises

  68.When he says "You won't be for long" the writer means that _______.

  A.you'll soon be living in a cleaner building

  B.rubbish chutes will become out of date before long

  C.you won't wait long for your turn to recycle rubbish

  D.it won't be long before you'll have to recycle your rubbish

  69.Before dropping rubbish into the chute you have to ___________

  A.lock the other floors' chute doors

  B.check if the container is full

  C.press the correct button

  D.break up the rubbish

  70.The biggest advantage of this new system is that _________

  A.it readuces the cost of recycling

  B.it saves time and space

  C.it saves money for people living in high rises

  D.it makes better use of the existing recovery equipment

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