一、阅读测验 40%
1."Science"is a word formed from the Latin verb Scire,which means"to know". Science means knowing. What is the difference between knowing and thinking or believing?The question can be best answered by an illustration.
Suppose a child seems ill. You may feel his head. If it feels hot to you ,you may say he has a fever. What you should say is that you believe he has a fever, because it is possible that your hands are cold.This will make his head feel hot to you even though it is not any hotter than normal. On the other hand ,if you place a good thermometer under his tongue for three minutes (after shaking the thermometer down, of course), and that thermometer reads 102°F., it means the child is running a high temperature. Then you can say he has a fever and know that you are stating a fact.In this case you know he has a fever.
In science, we cannot use beliefs or opinions, for we must have proved facts.The facts may be collected either by making careful observations or by setting up experiments.But facts must be collected before a science can be developed.Out of the facts thus collected, knowledge is organized and science is born.
A)Science means (a)knowing, (b)thinking, (c)believing, (d)answering. ( )
B)When a child has a fever, (a)his hands are always cold, (b)he shakes the thermometer down, (c)he states a fact, ( d)his head feels hot. ( )
C)We know the child has a fever if (a)he seems ill, (b)his hands are cold, (c)the thermometer shows he is running a high temperature, (d)his head is not hotter than normal.
( )
D)In science we must not (a) have proved facts,(b)use beliefs or opinions, (c)make careful observations, (d)set up experiments. ( )
2.On January 12, 1947, Liu Hu-lan, a fifteen-year-old girl, was publicly executed by Kuomintang troops in Wenchow, a small village in Shansi province.She had refused to betray the patriots with whom she had worked to free her people from feudal and foreign domination.
On the eve of May 1, 1951,four years after her death,her mother, Hu Wen-hsiu, wrote a public letter urging all mothers and daughters to sign the appeal for a Five-Power Peace Pact and to vote against the rearmament of Japan. Thousands of replies poured in as a result of this appeal. Among them was a letter from a group of Chinese people's volunteers in Korea, which said, "Dear Mother:We were greatly moved when we read your let-ter. We hate the enemy;we pledge to fight with the same iron will as Liu Hu-lan.We will not stop until we have avenged her death and the deaths of millions of other innocent people and driven the enemy from our borders".
A)Liu Hu-lan was born in (a) 1912,(b)1932,(c)1947,(d)1951
( )
B)Liu Hu-lan died in (a)South China,(b)Japan,(c)Korea,
(d)Wenchow. ( )
C)Liu Hu-lan was killed by the Kuomintang bandits because she(a)urged people to vote against the rearmament of Japan,(b)refused to free her people from feudal and foreign domination,(c)refused to betray her comrades, (d)signed the Five-Power Peace Pact. ( )
D)A group of Chinese people's volunteers wrote a letter to (a)Liu Hu-lan,(b)Hu Wen-hsiu,(c)their parents,(d)an unknown person. ( )
3.The Chinese People's Republic was founded only two years ago in 1949.Guided by the Communist Party and its leader,Mao Tse-tung,the great Chinese people have in these two years radically transformed the political and social system of their country.
The solution of the land problem is one of the major developments in these two years.Feudal relationships, the primary source of the miseries of the Chinese people in the past,are being rapidly abolished.In 1952, agrarian reform will be completed practically throughout China.
Chinese industry is also being developed.Industrial plants are being reconstructed and expanded. In one year 66,000 new industrial and commercial enterprises were started in Shanghai, Tientsin, Peking, Wuhan, Chungking, Sian, Tsingtao, Tsinan, Kaifeng, Changsha and other cities. The difficulties of rehabilitation have been successfully coped with in the Northeast,the country's principal industrial area.
A)This article was written in(a)1947,(b)1949,(c)1951,(d)1952.
( )
B)The miseries of the Chinese people in the past were chiefly caused by (a)feudal relationships,(b)agrarian reform,(c)industrial plants,(d)commercial enterprises. ( )
C)At the time the article was written,agrarian reform was (a)already completed,(b)abandonned,(c)abolished,(d)not yet completed. ( )
D)China's principal industrial area is (a)Peking,(b)the Northeast,(c)Shanghai,(d)Tientsin. ( )
4.Peking,Feb.9,(Hsinhua)-Sixty-five prominent Americans, including leading scientists,writers,Negro leaders,trade-unionists and Protestant bishops,have joined to form an "American Peace Crusade",states the New York"Daily Worker".The sixty-five peace leaders have issued a call for a peace pilgrimage to Washingson on March 1 to make known to American senators,congressmen and the president the "will to peace among all Americans,regardless of creed,colour,occupation or political opinion."
Calling for withdrawal of American troops from Korea and an end to war in the Far East, the sponsors declared,"We insist that the crisis in Asia can be solved by abandoning the attempt to ignore the Chinese People's Republic,and by recognizing its right as the only government in being in China to sit in the United Nations.But even before these steps are taken,we must abandon the futile conflict in Korea with needless destruction of the country and its people and sacrifice of American soldiers,"
Among the initial sponsors of the "American Peace Crusade"and peace pilgrimage are:Thomas Mann,Nobel literature prize winner for 1929;Dr.Linus Pauling ,former president of the American Chemical Society;Dr.W.S.B.Dubois,noted Negro sociologist and historian;Justice James H.Wolfe of the Supreme Court of Utah;and Paul Robeson.
A)The American Peace Crusade was formed by sixty-five
(a)senators, (b)writers,(c)workers, (d)peace leaders.
( )
B)The sponsors of the Crusade (a) ignored the Chinese People's Republic, (b)called for withdrawal of American troops from Korea, (c)carried on futile conflict in Korea, (d)sacrificed American soldiers. ( )
C)The American Peace Crusade organized a pilgrimage to (a)Washington, (b)Korea, (c)New York, (d)the United Nations. ( )
D)Thomas Mann is a(a) soldier, (b)doctor, (c)writer,(d)Negro. ( )
二、翻译 60%
1.我们必须争取和平。 。
2.你为什么不回家? ?
3.我们的祖国是多么的伟大啊! !
4.全世界反对美帝国主义的人民都是我们的朋友。 。
5.上星期我碰见一个参加过长征的战士。 。
6.工人们的生活水平正在不断提高。 。
7.封建制度已经被消灭了。 。
8.我问他他的哥哥是不是一个劳动模范。 。
9.假如当初我没有去开会,我就不会碰见他了。 。
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