阅读下列材料,以Best wishes for Beijing Olympic Games为题写一篇短文。
年份(年) 奥运会 举办地点 夺得金牌数 在世界位置
1984 23届 美国洛杉矶
(Los Angeles) 15 4
1988 24届 韩国汉城(Seoul) 5 8
1992 25届 西班牙巴塞罗那
(Barcelona) 16 4
1996 26届 美国亚特兰大
(Atlanta) 16 4
2000 27届 澳大利亚悉尼
(Sydney) 28 3
2004 28届 希腊雅典
(Athens) 32 2
2008 29届 中国北京 ? ?
As we all know, our country is becoming a powerful country in sports. In 1984, our country came to Los Angeles, America to enter for the 23rd Olympic Games. Our athletes won 15 gold medals and won the fourth place. It was a great success. In 1988 our country won 5 gold medals and won the eighth place in the 24th Olympic Games held in Seoul, Korea. To our delight, in the 15th Olympic Games held in Barcelona, Spain and the 26th Olympic Games held in Atlanta, America, our country both ranked fourth with double sixteen gold medals. Our success surprised the world. In the 27th Sydney Olympic Games, our delegation won 28 gold medals and ranked third. Our success shocked the world. To our pride, our country ranked second in the 2004 Olympic Games held in Athens, Greece, with up to 32 gold medals. Our progress convinced the world. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. Our country is sure to make more achievements in it.