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来源:考试吧(Exam8.com) 2013-2-4 14:19:20 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库

  21、More than one high official by the police since the mayor war shot dead.

  A.has been questioned B. have been questioned

  C. was questioned D.were questioned

  22、Half of the food in the bag bad.You‘d better throw it away.

  A. has B.have C .are D. ls

  23、What we want good textbooks.

  A .have B.has C. is D .are

  24、He no less than I eager goto the Great Wall.

  A. am B. iS C.are D.were

  25、The construction of the two new railway lines by now.

  A. has been completed B. have been completed

  C .has completed D.have completed

  26、The famous writer as well as his wife and daughter said to our party,but so far they .

  A .are;have attended;don‘t turn up B.is;have attended;haven’t turnedp

  C.is;attend;haven‘t turned up D. are;attend;don’t turn up

  27、Today Chinese by more and more people around the world

  A.was spoken B. speak C.spoke D. is spoken

  28、What you said quite to the point but what we need experienced technical workers.

  A. is;ale B. is;is C.are;are D.are;is

  29、Internet,as well as newspapers and magazines, an inportant part in our daily life.

  A. have played B.are playing

  C. is playing D.has been played

  30、一Cydia,what did you hear our teacher said just now?

  一Every boy and every girl as well as the teacher who to lead the group asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning

  A.is;is B. are;ate C.are;is D. is;are

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