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来源:考试吧 2016-3-11 14:47:20 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库
2016年高考英语复习专题练习及答案:并列句 状语从句,更多2016高考资讯、2016高考报名时间、2016高考报考条件、2016高考经验等信息,请及时关注考试吧高考网或关注“566高考”微信获取相关信息!


  Something unexpected happened to me recently. I guess that I was a __1__ person. My cousin and I went out for lunch in an Italian restaurant. I planned to __2__ her day, for she lost her husband a few weeks ago.

  Here's more of the __3__: My cousin has something wrong with her eyes, so she can't __4__ clearly. And I have to use a walker because of my difficulty in walking. As we __5__ the restaurant, we came across an old couple who were just leaving. They weren't quite as old as we are, __6__ they might have been in their sixties. The gentleman __7__ the door for us and his wife helped. I __8__ that there wouldn't be any tip coming, but I still thanked them for their help.

  A nice young man showed us to our __9__ -I think all of the Arizona people are ready to help the __10__. Then a young lady introduced herself as our __11__ and added that she was in training. We looked over the menu and prepared to __12__. All of a sudden, the lady we __13__ at the door appeared at our table.

  “Lunch is on me,” she said. Needless to say, we were __14__. Neither of us had ever experienced such a __15__ offer. Soon the young waiter returned and handed us a gift card. The __16__ had left us a gift card worth $125.

  Being longtime citizens of Arizona, we have got used to the kindness of strangers here, but this nice __17__ was out of the ordinary. We want that __18__ couple to know we will never __19__ this, and that they can be __20__ we will do what we can to help other people.

  1.A.lucky B.careful

  C.strong D.serious

  2.A.enjoy B.brighten

  C.spend D.celebrate

  3.A.message B.problem

  C.story D.plan

  4.A.speak B.think

  C.hear D.see

  5.A.found B.discussed

  C.entered D.remembered

  6.A.unless B.but

  C.if D.until

  7.A.held B.answered

  C.closed D.showed

  8.A.suggested B.argued

  C.doubted D.joked

  9.A.table B.food

  C.car D.home

  10.A.poor B.old

  C.sick D.injured

  11.A.assistant B.guide

  C.server D.cook

  12.A.eat B.leave

  C.rest D.order

  13.A.helped B.met

  C.welcomed D.recognized

  14.A.frightened B.satisfied

  C.amazed D.disappointed

  15.A.low B.final

  C.formal D.generous

  16.A.restaurant B.lady

  C.couple D.cousin

  17.A.business B.lesson

  C.report D.gesture

  18.A.shy B.friendly

  C.funny D.interesting

  19.A.forget B.accept

  C.require D.mind

  20.A.sure B.sorry

  C.afraid D.grateful


  【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了在一家餐馆里,一对陌生的夫妇主动为两位年迈的老太太买单的故事。

  1.A 解析:由下文的内容可知,作者受到一对夫妇的帮助,所以她觉得自己是个“幸运的(lucky)”人。

  2.B 解析:作者的表姐夫几周前去世了,所以她约表姐出来吃饭,希望让她的心情好一些,故用brighten。

  3.C 解析:由下文的内容可知,这句话引出了具体的“故事(story)”经过。

  4.D 解析:由上一句My cousin has something wrong with her eyes可知,作者的表姐“看(see)”不清东西。

  5.C 解析:由下文的A nice young man showed us...和Then a young lady introduced herself...以及We looked over the menu...可知,作者她们“走进(entered)”餐馆。

  6.B 解析:那对夫妇虽然没有作者她们老,“但是(but)”也可能六十来岁了。

  7.A 解析:由上文的As we __5__ the restaurant, we came across an old couple who were just leaving可知,作者姐妹二人进门时,老夫妇正要出门,所以这里应该是老先生顺手为作者她们“扶着(held)”门。

  8.D 解析:那对老夫妇也是来就餐的顾客而并非餐馆的服务员,所以对于他们的帮助作者只是“开玩笑说(joked)”没有小费。

  9.A 解析:由下文的We looked over the menu...可知,一个友善的年轻人把作者她们带到“餐桌(table)”前。

  10.B 解析:来到饭店,作者受到了不少礼遇,再结合上文的They weren't quite as old as we are, __6__ they might have been in their sixties可知,作者觉得所有的亚利桑那人都乐意帮助“老人(old)”。

  11.C 解析:由下文作者二人开始点菜可知,这位年轻的女士是“服务员(server)”。

  12.D 解析:由We looked over the menu可知,作者她们看着菜单准备“点菜(order)”。

  13.B 解析:突然,作者她们在门口“遇到(met)”的那位太太出现在她们的餐桌旁。

  14.C 解析:由上一句“Lunch is on me.” she said可知,那位太太说午餐她请客,这让作者她们很是“吃惊(amazed)”。

  15.D 解析:作者她们都没有遇到过这样“慷慨的(generous)”帮助。

  16.C 解析:门口遇到的那位太太说午餐她请客,于是服务员一会儿送来了一张卡,所以这张卡就是门口那对老“夫妇(couple)”留下的。

  17.D 解析:作者她们长期生活在亚利桑那州,已经习惯了这里陌生的人们的友善行为,但是这次善意的“表示(gesture)”却不同寻常。

  18.B 19.A

  20.A 解析:作者她们想让那对“友好的(friendly)”夫妇知道,她们永远不会“忘记(forget)”这件事,而且她们想让这对夫妇“相信(sure)”,她们也会尽力去帮助他人。



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