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来源:考试吧 2018-8-30 10:37:29 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  During my junior year,I was accepted as a competitor in the Miss Teen Massachusetts Pageant (青少年马萨诸塞州小姐).Hearing the news,I felt very excited __41__ it was a good chance.However,with it,I would become really__42__,for I had to balance my academic schedule with other extracurricular activities,preparing for the pageant meanwhile.I constantly found myself either trying for the __43__ as president in the Students' Union or making a speech as a lecturer in the hall.On several occasions I nearly __44__ because I felt my workload was unmanageable and I barely had time to breathe! However,I__45__hard to do the best I could.The day__46__came.Wearing my bikini and five-inch heels,I was walking confidently like a __47__,when suddenly I slipped and fell.So __48__ did I feel that I almost ran away.Yet I thought of what my mother said,“Stand up wherever you fall down and never give in to __49__.” Therefore, instead of escaping the awkward __50__,I managed to rise to my feet and __51__ my performance on the stage.

  The pageant was a great experience,even though it's not easy to tell everyone that I didn't win.After that __52__,I realized it is not necessarily the__53__that determines what I take,it is the quality of the experience,the memories and the __54__I learn along the way.Most importantly,I __55__ that I should always reach for my dreams,__56__I will never know what could have happened.If I hadn't __57__ the pageant,I would always wonder.In my old age,I will be able to __58__ and be pleased with everything I've accomplished,because I made efforts to achieve my __59__ and enjoy life along the way.I no longer let __60__ pass me by,and I work towards all my goals,no matter how big or small.

  【语篇解读】 本文为夹叙夹议文。作者在大学三年级时被选为青少年马萨诸塞州小姐的参赛选手,虽然作者感到焦头烂额,但她仍努力做到最好。在比赛时,作者尴尬地滑倒,但她仍站起来继续完成表演。虽然作者最终没有赢得比赛,但她并没有气馁,而是吸取教训继续追寻自己的梦想。

  41.A.but B.because

  C.or D.until

  答案 B [由本空后的it was a good chance可知,作者感到非常兴奋,因为(because)她认为这是一次好机会。]

  42.A.lonely B.busy

  C.comfortable D.terrible

  答案 B [由本空后的I had to balance my academic schedule with other extracurricular activities,preparing for the pageant meanwhile可知,作者将会很忙(busy)。]

  43.A.invitation B.equipment

  C.position D.experiment

  答案 C [由本空后的as president in the Students' Union or making a speech as a lecturer in the hall可知,这里是说作者要竞选学生会主席的职位(position)。]

  44.A.broke down B.thought up

  C.grew up D.calmed down

  答案 A [由本空后的felt my workload was unmanageable and I barely had time to breathe可知,有时作者快要累垮了(broke down)。]

  45.A.laughed B.cried

  C.struggled D.climbed

  答案 C [由本空前的However和本空后的hard to do the best I could可知,这里是说作者努力拼搏(struggled)以做到最好。]

  46.A.eventually B.suddenly

  C.unfortunately D.hopelessly

  答案 A [由本空后的came可知,比赛的那一天终于(eventually)来了。]

  47.A.reporter B.model

  C.writer D.professor

  答案 B [由文章开头的I was accepted as a competitor in the Miss Teen Massachusetts Pageant和本空前的Wearing my bikini and five-inch heels可知,这里是说作者感觉自己像一个模特(model)。]

  48.A.tired B.puzzled

  C.confused D.embarrassed

  答案 D [由本空前的when suddenly I slipped and fell和本空后的ran away可知,作者感到很尴尬(embarrassed)以至于想逃离。]

  49.A.honor B.damage C.prize D.failure

  答案 D [由本空前的Stand up wherever you fall down可知,这里是说绝不向失败(failure)屈服。]

  50.A.design B.arrangement

  C.situation D.exercise

  答案 C [由上文作者滑倒可知,这里是说逃离这个令人尴尬的境地(situation)。]

  51.A.gained B.continued

  C.changed D.stopped

  答案 B [由第50空前的instead of escaping和本空前的I managed to rise to my feet可知,这里是说作者继续(continued)在舞台上表演。]

  52.A.experience B.test

  C.exhibition D.speech

  答案 A [由上文提及作者参加比赛可知,这里是说作者参加比赛的经历(experience)。另外,上句的experience有提示。]

  53.A.purpose B.decision

  C.outcome D.process

  答案 C [由本空后的it is the quality of the experience,the memories and...可知,作者这里说未必是结果(outcome)决定了你所得到的东西。]

  54.A.languages B.subjects

  C.programs D.lessons

  答案 D [由本空后的I learn along the way可知,这里是说一路上学到的教训(lessons)。]

  55.A.pretended B.realized

  C.explained D.forgot

  答案 B [本空后是作者所意识到的(realized)。另外,第52空后realized有提示。]

  56.A.otherwise B.besides

  C.therefore D.instead

  答案 A [由本空前后的内容可知,作者认为她应该去追逐梦想,否则(otherwise)她永远不会知道会发生什么。]

  57.A.left B.organized

  C.attended D.watched

  答案 C [由上文提及作者参加比赛的经历可知,这里是说假如作者没有参加(attended)那次比赛,她可能一直都会对比赛好奇。]

  58.A.look back B.set out

  C.work out D.get back

  答案 A [由本空前的In my old age可知,这里是说作者回顾(look back)过去。]

  59.A.wisdom B.duties

  C.freedom D.dreams

  答案 D [第55空后的dreams有提示。作者会对她所完成的事情感到满意,因为她努力追逐了梦想(dreams)并享受了生活。]

  60.A.tasks B.chances

  C.responsibilities D.feelings

  答案 B [由本空后的I work towards all my goals,no matter how big or small可知,这里是说从未让机会(chances)流逝。]


  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



  John:Hey,Lucy! What is it __61__ makes you upset today?

  Lucy:It's my parents.They stick __62__ old ways and never let me do anything.I __63__ (have) an argument with them this morning.

  John:What was the argument about?

  Lucy:I am considering __64__ (take) a part-time job in my spare time,and I saw a very good position __65__ (advertise) in the newspaper.Besides making some pocket money,I can gain some working experience,__66__ you know is very important to my future profession.I told my parents about it,but they didn't agree.

  John:Why were they against it?

  Lucy:In their opinion,I should spend all my time studying.They are __67__(constant) pushing me to do my homework! Ugh! I want to move out and be __68__ (independence) of my parents.How are you getting along with your parents,John?

  John:Very well.They are open-minded and always give me freedom to do what I like.Anyway,you should try your best __69__ (improve) the relationship between you and your parents.By the way,are you going camping with us this Sunday,Lucy?

  Lucy:Hard to say.I have to ask my parents for __70__ (permit) first.

  【语篇解读】 本文为对话。Lucy和父母闹僵了,她向朋友John倾诉。

  61.that [考查强调句型。该句使用了强调句型,被强调的是疑问词what。]

  62.to [考查介词。stick to是固定短语,意思是“坚持”,其中to是介词。]

  63.had [考查时态。this morning是具体的过去时间作状语,谓语动词用一般过去时。]

  64.taking [考查非谓语动词。consider后接动名词作宾语。]

  65.advertised [考查非谓语动词。advertised in the newspaper是过去分词短语作后置定语,其逻辑主语position与分词动作advertise之间是被动关系。]

  66.which [考查定语从句。关系代词which指代先行词working experience,引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。]

  67.constantly [考查词形变化。空格中所填单词在句中修饰谓语动词,需用constant的副词形式。]

  68.independent [考查词形变化。空格中所填单词在句中作表语,需用independence的形容词形式。]

  69.to improve [考查非谓语动词。try one's best to do sth意思是“尽某人最大努力做某事”。]

  70.permission [考查词形变化。空格中所填单词在句中作介词for的宾语,需用permit的名词形式。]


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