三、选择答案 从每小题的(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)四个答案中,选出一个正确答案,把它前面的字母填入左边的括号内。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共15分,每小题1分)
例:(B)Hand your test paper, please.
(A)off (B)in
(C)round (D)down
( )1.Let us hope we can settle the matter without more trouble.
(A)any (B)a little
(C)some (D)little
( )2.As it was a stormy night, people went to see the film.
(A)a few (B)few
(C)several (D)many
( )3. the temperature, water turns into steam.
(A)The high,the fast
(B)Higher, faster
(C)The more higher, the faster
(D)The higher, the faster
( )4.The passengers were robbed all their money.
(A)of (B)off
(C)from (D)away
( )5.We for her because she never came.
(A)needn't wait (B)shouldn't have waited
(C)mustn't wait (D)mustn't have waited
( )6.I insist that a doctor immediately.
(A)has been sent for (B)sends for
(C)will be sent for (D)be sent for
( )7.He was disappointed to find his suggestions .
(A)been turned down (B)turned down
(C)to be turned down (D)to turn down
( )8.I don't regret even if it might have upset her.
(A)to tell her what I thought
(B)to have told her that I thought
(C)telling what I thought
(D)telling her what I thought
( )9.The rice if you had been more careful.
(A)would not be burning
(B)would not burn
(C)Would not have been burnt
(D)would not burnt
( )10.Upon graduation he asked to be sent to .
(A)where he is most needed
(B)where he needed
(C)where he is mostly needed
(D)where is he mostly needed
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