七、改错:下列句中各有一个错,请把错处改正。其他部分不得更动。(本题共12分,每小题1. 5分。)
例:This happening in London.
1.I asked him more than ten questions, but he did not reply a single one.
2.That sentence was so hard to understand that I had to have my teacher to explain it for me.
3.It is interesting to compare the education system here with the United States.
4.The first two of the five questions on the test paper were very difficult, but the rest was easy.
5.After finishing his talk, everyone present was invited to tea.
6.Since travelling across the country might cost as much to thirty yuan, I suggested that she not plan the trip.
7.When the enemy were led to believe that there were communists in the village, they started to search them.
8.It is too lovely a day that I' d like to go swimming.
1. Engli i s h; g e ogr a p h y;ch e m i s try;
ma t h e m a tics; h i s t ory
2. sold i e r; w rit e r;s e cr et a r y;
sci e n t ist;p o lic e m a n
3. fac t o ry;h osp it al; c in ema;
b o o k sh o p;li br a ry
4. d a ncing;sh o ut i ng;l a u gh i ng;
cr y i n g; qu a r r ell i n g
1. Where did you go during the spring holidays?
2. when did the May 4th Movement take place?
3. How many languages does she speak?
4. What was she doing when you came into her room?
5. What is the picture like?
1. (D)goes 2. (D)since
3. (A)depends 4. (C)to work
5. (A)who 6. (D)sets
7. (A)home 8. (C)It' s
9. (B)nor am 10. (C)an
11. (D)What a bright 12. (B)to speak
13. (B)be used 14. (A)had arrived
15. (C)Class One 16. (B)the other
17. (B)both 18. (D)ones
19. (D)asleep 20. (A)that
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