A. 根据以上各段内容,在每一空格处填一词。
1. (第2段)When Robinson Crusoe reached the island, he was
, , and .
2. (第4段)He made up his mind to in a
as the birds do.
3. (第5段)When he landed, he did not have a to defend himself, but he did have a .
B. 在(A),(B),(C)中,选出适当的一组词(在下面划线)完成下列句子:
1. Robinson reached he island .
(A)in a little boat
(B)by swimming
(C)on a raft(木筏)
2. It is most likely(可能)that Robinson Crusoe reached the island .
(A)in the morning
(B)at lunch time
(C)quite late in the day
3. The first night Crusoe was on the island, he .
(A)could not sleep
(B)slept very well
(C)was awakened by wild animals
4. Crusoe made up his mind to sleep in a tree .
(A)as he was going to the island
(B)as soon as he reached the island
(C)after he had been on the island a little while
1. 多好的天气啊! 2. 我们厂里有很多新机器。3. 你去问问她,她的父亲在哪儿工作。4. 我希望这次考试对你来说不会太难。5. 今天的讲演人是一位不久前刚刚入党的老科学家(scientist)。6. 外宾说,“我想知道的是你们将如何实现四个现代化。”
By midday the sun was very strong. Jim was too tired to walk. There were no trees near the road, so he rested under a big rock. Afrer drinking some water, he took off his shirt, lay down on the ground and fell asleep at once.
He was so tired that he did not wake up until the evening. He was just about to jump up when he felt something moving near his feet. He looked down and saw a long black snake.
Jim was so frightened that he did not dare to move. The snake began to crawl across his legs, It crawled on and on until it disappeared under the rocks. Jim jumped to his feet, picked up his shirt and ran off down the road.
snake蛇 crawl爬行,蠕动
六、从下列动词中选出适当的词填入空格,词形要作必要的变动。(本题共10分)lend, run, go, think, grow, wake, sing, lie, ring, learn, put, catch, blow
1. One is never too old to .
2. I I had read that book before.
3. Before we reached the top of the hill, we were in the rainstorm.
4. What about off the football match? You see, it' s raining.
5. He has me a number of old magazines.
6. She was on the grass reading a story.
7. The power station is by our commune.
8. She said on the telephone, "Sorry, Mr. Smith isn' t in. Would you mind back sometime tomorrow?"
9. Another winter by. The sun was warm again and wild roses flowered along the banks and the blackbird
his song of happiness.
·2010年山东高考英语答案[考试吧版] (2010-6-11 13:42:44)
·2010年浙江高考英语试题及答案[考试吧版] (2010-6-11 10:03:05)
·2010年海南高考英语答案[考试吧版] (2010-6-11 9:52:06)
·2010年高考英语答案(新课标)[考试吧版] (2010-6-10 17:02:12)
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