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来源:考试吧 2018-12-4 16:12:14 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库

  [1] The driver drove _______ hit at a big tree and the car came to s stop.

  [译文] 驾驶员开车太不小心,撞上了一棵大树,车就停下来了。

  A. too carelessly to    B. carelessly enough to

  C. so carelessly that he   D. so careless that he

  [答案] C。 so…that…结构。副词carelessly修饰动词drove。

  [2] We like the oil painting better, ______ we looked at it.

  [译文] 每当我们看到这幅画,我们越喜欢它。

  A. as   B. while

  C. the moment   D. the more

  [答案] C。 the moment引导的时间状语从句。

  [3] Jack is a good friend _______, and he often comes to our home for a visit.

  [译文] 杰克是我爸的好朋友,他经常在我家来玩。

  A. of my father   B. of my father’s

  C. for my father   D. in my father’s

  [答案] B。 of my father’s 双重所有格。

  [4] You’d better make a mark ______ you have any questions.

  [译文] 你最好在你有疑问的地方做上标记。

  A. at which   B. at where

  C. the place   D. where

  [答案] D。 where引导的地点状语从句。

  [5] We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it _______ very well.

  [译文] 我们原来没有计划到展览像那个样,然而结果相当不错。

  A. worked out    B. tried out

  C. went on   D. carried out

  [答案] D。 work out 解决,算出;try out 试穿;go on 继续;carry out进行

  [6] He was so angry at all _____ I was doing _______ he walked out.

  [译文] 他对我所做的一且都感到气愤以至于他离开了。

  A. that; that   B. what; that

  C. that; what   D. which; what

  [答案] A。 so…that…结构中含有一个定语从句。

  [7] If It had been possible, I would have helped him, but I ______ too busy the.

  [译文] 如果可能的话,我就帮助他了,但那时我太忙了。

  A. had been   B. would be

  C. were   D. was

  [答案] D。 前面是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,but引导的真实情况。

  [8] Vicky, _____ born in China, lived and practiced law in public.

  [译文] Vicky出生在中国,居住在中国并在中国从事法律工作。

  A. was   B. he was

  C. although    D. who he was

  [答案] A。 并列的三个谓语部分,注意and的用法。

  [9] ______ the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.

  [译文] 当你再读第二遍这首诗时,你就更加清楚它的意思了。

  A. You having read   B. While reading

  C. When you read   D. If reading

  [答案] C。 when引导的时间状语从句。

  [10] He left Europe _____ World war II broke out.

  [译文] 在二战爆发的这年他离开了欧洲。

  A. during   B. the year

  C. while   D. there

  [答案] B。 the year 引导的时间状语从句。

  [11] In no case ______ allowed to go on.

  [译文] 这样的是绝不容许再发生。

  A. should such a thing be   B. should not such a thing be

  C. such a thing should not be   D. such a thing should be

  [答案] A。 in no case 这样的否定词或者短语在句首,句子要部分倒装。

  [12] _____ by what everyone says about him, I’d say he has a good chance of winning.

  [译文] 从大家对他所做的表述来判断,我得说他很有机会赢。

  A. Judged   B. Judging

  C. To be judged   D. having been judged

  [答案] B。 从…来判断,只能用judging形式。

  [13] How did you manage to get to school on time ______ you missed the school bus?

  [译文] 你赶掉了校车,你是如何按时到学校的呀?

  A. when   B. if

  C. once   D. because

  [答案] A。 整个句子说得是过去的事,不表示假设,只要排除了once,if,答案就只有A了。

  [14] ---- Could you do me a favour and take the box up to the six floor? ---- ______. No problem at all.

  [译文] --你能帮我把这个箱子搬到六楼吗? --好,没问题!

  A. With please   B. My pleasure

  C. For pleasure   D. at your pleasutre

  [答案] A。 with pleasure = I’ll take the box to the six floor with pleasure.

  [15] The city was difficult ________, _________ was defended by an army of 6,000 men.

  [译文] 要占领这座城市很难,有6,000人的军队把守。

  A. to be taken; which   B. to take; that

  C. to take; which   D. to be taken; that

  [答案] C。 The city was difficult to take = It was difficult to take the city. 只要这两种句型能够互换,不定式就得用主动的形式。

  [16] He bought some books, ______ were expensive.

  [译文] 他买了不少书,大部分很贵。

  A. most of which   B. the most of which

  C. most   D. the most of that

  [答案] A。 most在定语从句做主语,不加冠词。

  [17] ___that she’s by law old enough to get married, I don’t see how you can stop her.

  [译文] 我明白按法律她到了该结婚的年龄,但不明白你如何能阻止她。

  A. Having seen   B. To see

  C. Seeing   D. Seen

  [答案] C。 现在分词表伴随,动作由主语发来的。

  [18] These are questions ______ by history.

  [译文] 这些是历史遗留下来的问题。

  A. left over   B. left off

  C. leaving out   D. leaving behind

  [答案] A。 leave over遗留;leave off离开,停止;leave out漏掉;leave behind遗忘

  [19] Is this the watch you wish to _____?

  [译文] 这就是你想修的表吗?

  A. have it repaired   B. repair it

  C. have repaired it   D. have repaired

  [答案] A。 have sth. done结构中的宾语和主语都不发出这个动作。

  [20] Has everything _____ can be done ______?

  [译文] 能够做的是不是都做了?

  A. what; done    B. that; been done

  C. that; already done   D. what; already being done

  [答案] B。 主句是现在完成时态,主句中有一个定语从句。

  [21] Whom would you rather have _____ with you?

  [译文] 你宁愿让谁和你一道去?

  A. to go   B. gone

  C. going   D. go

  [答案] D。 have sb. do sth.结构。

  [22] How pleased the emperor was _____ what the cheat said!

  [译文] 皇帝很高兴地听到这个骗子说的话!

  A. hearing   B. heard

  C. hear   D. to hear

  [答案] D。 be pleased to do sth. 结构变成的感叹句。

  [23] The students are ______ to hand in the exercises before class.

  [译文] 希望学生在下课前交作业。

  A. hoped   B. suggested

  C. agreed   D. wished

  [答案] D。 wish sb. to do sth. 其他三个动词不能用于这个结构。

  [24] Is this school ______ they visited the other day?

  [译文] 这就是前些天他们访问的学校吗?

  A. that   B. which

  C. where   D. the one

  [答案] D。 考查定语从句的先行词。

  [25] They are _____ children that they can’t dress themselves.

  [译文] 他们太小不能自己穿衣服。

  A. so little   B. such little

  C. so small   D. too small

  [答案] B。 such…that… 结构。little意为"小",如果是表示数量的话,则用so。

  [26] China is larger than _____ in Africa.

  [译文] 中国比非洲任何一个国家都大。

  A. any other country   B. other countries

  C. any countries   D. any country

  [答案] D。 在不同范围的比较中不能用any other;是和任何一个国家比较故选any country。

  [27] _____ and I will hit you.

  [译文] 再那样说话,我就要打你。

  A. If you say that again   B. Say that again

  C. Say you that again   D. You’ll say that again

  [答案] B。 祈使句+ and + 一个将来时态的句子。该句型中的祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句。Say that again and I’ll hit you = If you say that again, I will hit you.

  [28] It is such a modern machine ______ few of the workers know how to operate.

  [译文] 它是一台很先进的机器很少有工人能够使用它。

  A. as   B. which

  C. that   D. the one

  [答案] A。 such …as…引导的定语从句。as代替先行词machine在从居中充当operate的宾语。

  [29] ____ it happens, her birthday is after mine.

  [译文] 正如那样,她的生日在我的生日之后。

  A. As   B. While

  C. Though   D. Until

  [答案] A。 as引导的方式状语从句。"像,如"。

  [30] ---- What’s your opinion about it? ----You can _____at a glance that the building was poorly built.

  [译文] --你对此的看法如何?  --一眼就可以看得出这座楼房修建得很差。

  A. say   B. see

  C. tell    D. take it for granted

  [答案] B。 see在该句的意思是"明白,知道"。say"说";tell"区分";take it for granted"想当然"。

  [31] So excited _____ that he couldn’t say a word.

  [译文] 他太激动了,一句话都说不出来。

  A. was he   B. he was

  C. did he be   D. did he was

  [答案] A。 so…that…结构中的so位于句首,主句要部分倒装。它的倒装要连同它所修饰的成分一同倒装。

  [32] ____ knocked down and hurt worried her friends.

  [译文] Kate的被撞倒和受伤使她的朋友很着急。

  A. Kate’s being   B. Kate was

  C. Kate being   D. Kate had been

  [答案] A。 当动名词的复合结构作主语时,要用规范的形式,因此排除Kate being。

  [33] We found Marry’s brother to have _____ more story books than Ann’s.

  [译文] 我们发现玛丽的故事书要比安莉的多得多

  A. much   B. too much

  C. by far   D. far

  [答案] C。 修饰可数名词不能用much;by far可以用于修饰比较级。

  [34] The sun is bigger than the moon, _______ we all know it.

  [译文] 太阳比月亮大,我们大家都知道。

  A. as   B. which

  C. and   D. that

  [答案] C。 此句不缺任何成分,不是定语从句,只能是并列句。

  [35] We must find a dictionary. ____ will do.

  [译文] 我们应该找到一本辞典。任何一本都可以。

  A. Some   B. Any

  C. Every   D. Each

  [答案] B。 any表示"任何"一本都行。

  [36] _____ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.

  [译文] 无论谁最后一个离开房间都得关掉灯。

  A. Anyone   B. The person

  C. Whoever   D. Who

  [答案] C。 主语从句中缺主语;同时表示强调故用whoever。

  [37] Everyone working on Sunday will have _____ pay doubled.

  [译文] 每一个周六加班的人都会得到加倍的工资。

  A. its   B. their

  C. ones   D. one

  [答案] B。 everyone做主语其物主代词用their;one作主语时用ones。

  [38] In my bedroom, I have a small desk _____.

  [译文] 在我的寝室,我有一个小书桌写东西。

  A. to write   B. writing

  C. to write on   D. to write with

  [答案] C。 have sth. to do 的句型中不定式作定语只能是及物动词,和被修饰的名词有动宾关系。

  [39] Tom was a black slave and he at last ______ the cotton farm to join the North Army.

  [译文] 汤姆是一个黑奴,他终于逃出棉田加入了北方大军。

  A. left   B. escaped

  C. ran away   D. fled

  [答案] D。 作为奴隶只能逃跑,排除leave;escape 和run away 都是不及物动词。

  [40] Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, ____ I will always treasure.

  [译文] 多年不见叔叔的见面时我永远珍惜的美好时刻。

  A. that   B. one

  C. it   D. what

  [答案] B。 不定代词one作moment的同位语。


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