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来源:考试吧 2018-12-4 16:13:06 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库


  1.With international______ and education exchanges increasing every year, the number of Chinese students studying abroad has increased rapidly.

  A.cooperation B.competition

  C.construction D.conflict

  [解析]cooperation 合作。句意:随着国际合作和教育交流每年增加,中国留学生的数量快速增长。competition 竞争;construction 建造;conflict 矛盾,冲突。


  2. Angela and Ajani will pick up the marriage ________ after they meet online several times, which is not sensible.

  A.acquisition B.identification

  C.certificate D.qualification

  [解析]certificate 证书。句意:Angela 和 Ajani 网上会面几次后就要领取结婚证,这是不明智的。acquisition 获得; identification 鉴别;qualification 资格。


  3.The fence marks the ________ between my land and hers.

  A.side B.wall

  C.cell D.boundary

  [解析]boundary 界限。句意:这道篱笆墙标明了我的地和她的地之间的界限。


  4.The police said the hackers were just looking to show off and get as much ________ as possible.

  A.attitude B.flame

  C.attention D.dislike

  [解析]attention 注意。句意:警察说黑客只是寻找机会炫耀和引起尽可能多的关注。attitude 态度;flame 火焰;dislike 不喜欢。


  5.The doctor told Mary that too much ________ to the sun is bad for the skin.

  A.exposure B.extension

  C.exhibition D.expansion

  [解析]exposure 暴露。句意:医生告诉玛丽太多暴露给太阳对皮肤有害。extension 延伸;exhibition 展览;expansion 扩大。


  6.David gave us a vivid ________ of his trip to Mount Tai after his return.

  A. account B. explanation

  C. imagination D. idea

  [解析]account 描述,叙述;explanation 解释;imagination 想象;idea 主意,想法。由句意“David 回来后给我们生动地描述了他的泰山之行”可知A项正确。


  7.At less than $100 this smart and digital camera is good ________ for money.

  A. value B. offer

  C. price D. currency

  [解析]句子中 be good value for money 意为“很划算,合算,物有所值”。句意:这款漂亮的数码相机真的物有所值哦,还不到一百美元。


  8.Contrary to our ________, the Chinese Men's Football Team lost to Iraq.

  A.possession B.expectation

  C.identification D.destination

  [解析]expectation 估计,预料。句意:与我们的预料相反,中国男子足球队输给了伊拉克。possession 拥有;identification 鉴别;destination 目的地。


  9.Jack is not very decisive, and he always finds himself in a ________ as if he doesn't know what he really wants to do.

  A. fantasy B. dilemma

  C. contradiction D. conflict

  [解析]本题考查名词词义辨析。fantasy 奇妙,奇异;dilemma 进退两难的局面,窘境;contradiction 矛盾,冲突;conflict 冲突。in a dilemma 为固定短语,意为“处于进退两难的局面”。


  10.Provision of food and ________ is their main concern for the flood victims.

  A. relief B. safety

  C. shelter D. defence

  [解析]relief 宽慰;safety 安全;shelter 遮蔽处;defence 防御。由句意可知,此处表示“为灾民提供食宿”,故应选 shelter 与 food 并列。


  11.Each of us is likely to develop a personal ________ for certain types of entertainment.

  A.comparison B.possession

  C.preference D.advantage

  [解析]preference 偏爱。句意:我们每个人都可能形成对某种娱乐形式的个人偏爱。comparison 比较;possession 占有;advantage 优势。


  12.The task wasn't worth our efforts at all. It made little ________ no matter how hard we worked.

  A.effect B.use

  C.result D.difference

  [解析]make little difference 几乎不起作用。


  13.His approach has won him a ________ as a tough manager.

  A. requirement B. reputation

  C. privilege D. character

  [解析]requirement 要求;reputation 名声;声誉;privilege 特权,特别优待;character 特征。由句意“他的方法给他赢得了一个严厉经理的名声”可知B项正确。


  14. Betty's parents are away for the week, so I think I'd go over to keep her ________.

  A.company B.firm

  C.absence D.favor

  [解析]keep sb. company 与某人作伴。


  15.—Was the proposal passed at yesterday's meeting?

  —Yes, but some members at the committee expressed ________.

  A. reservations B. authority

  C. corporations D. associations

  [解析]reservation 保留,保守;authority 权威;corporation 法人;association 联系。由语境可知,此处表示“委员会的个别成员保留意见”,故A项正确。


  16.At the conference, people of different ________ were given a chance to exchange theirs with each other.

  A. points B. manners

  C. views D. ways

  [解析]由句意“在会议上,给了持有不同观点的人机会让他们互相交换看法。”可知应选C项。people of different views“观点不同的人”,view 此处表示“观点,看法”。


  17.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of ________.

  A. power B. force

  C. energy D. strength

  [解析]power 权力;电力;force 力量,武力;energy 精力;能源;strength 力气;优势。由句意“许多国家正在增加对天然气、风以及其他形式的能源的使用。”可知C项正确。


  18. Seeing the happy ________ of children playing in the park, I'm full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.

  A. sight B. scene

  C. view D. sign

  [解析]sight 风景;视野;scene 风景,场面;view 观点,看法;风景;sign 符号,迹象。由语境可知,此处指有人有景活动的场面,应用 scene。


  19. “China has shown increasingly positive ________ of economic performance, but the country's economic recovery is still uncertain.” Prime Minister Wen said.

  A.signs B.tracks

  C.signals D.marks

  [解析]sign 迹象。句意:“中国已经显示出经济表现的积极迹象,但是经济的恢复仍未确定。”温总理说。signal信号;track踪迹;mark记号。


  20.Their products enjoy 30 percent ________ of the market in this country because both the quality and their service are fine.

  A. figure B. sales

  C. discount D. share

  [解析]由句意“他们的产品占这个国家市场份额的30%,因为他们的产品和服务都不错。”可知应选 share,此处意为“份额”。其他三项 figure (数字),sales (销售);discount (折扣)均不符合句意。


  21.—Why does he never pick up the waste paper on the ground?

  —Maybe because he thinks it's beneath his ________ to do so.

  A. honesty B. dignity

  C. property D. liberty

  [解析]honesty 诚实;dignity 人格,尊严;property 合适,恰当,得体;liberty 自由。由句意“或许因为他认为这有失他的尊严”可知应选B项。


  22.The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Thursday urged Japan to stop making irresponsible______ over an incident in waters off the Diaoyu Islands.

  A. comments B. explanations

  C. arguments D. debates

  [解析]comment“评论,言论”,make comments over“就……发表言论”,符合句意。其他三项 explanation (解释,说明);argument (辩论);debate (辩论)均无此搭配。


  23.I have battled with my ________ whether I should keep the extra money given to me or return it to the seller.

  A.consciousness B.identification

  C.awareness D.conscience

  [解析]conscience 良心。句意:我与自己的良心搏斗,我是把多找给的钱留下来还是还给卖主。


  24. A person of great ________ usually can achieve his goal.

  A. instruction B. information

  C. determination D. recognition

  [解析]instruction 指导;information 信息;determination 决心,意志力;recognition 认可。由句意“一个意志坚定的人通常能实现自己的目标”可知C项正确。


  25.The flood this summer caused serious ________ to the crops in Northeast China.

  A. damage B. harm

  C. hurt D. injury

  [解析]cause damage to 为固定搭配,意为“对……造成损害”,故 damage 正确。harm 害处;hurt 伤害,既可指肉体的伤害又可指心灵的伤害;injury“伤口”,均不符合句意。


  26.As many students will graduate from colleges, there is a ________ for unemployment to rise in the summer.

  A. custom B. tension

  C. tendency D. tide

  [解析]custom 风俗;tension 紧张不安;tendency 趋势;tide 潮水;潮流。There is a tendency...“有……的趋势”,为固定句式,故C项正确。


  27.—What's the common ________ of dealing with youth crime in your area?

  —Generally, education comes first.

  A. process B. procedure

  C. performance D. practice

  [解析]process 过程;procedure 程序;performance表演,表现;practice 惯例,常见做法。由第一句句意“在你们那个地方处理年轻人犯罪的常见做法是什么?”可知D项正确。


  28.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ________ and weaknesses.

  A. strengths B. benefits

  C. techniques D. values

  [解析]与 weaknesses 相对的是 strengths,指“优势与劣势”。


  29.Low temperatures and freezing rain in some parts of China also pushed up ________ of agricultural products during the early weeks of 2011.

  A. benefits B. interests

  C. prices D. welfares

  [解析]benefit 利益,好处;interest兴趣,利益;price 价格;welfare 福利。此处表示“低温冻雨使农产品的价格上涨”,故C项正确。



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