Had a holiday, today because tomorrow is New Year's day. What is the origin of New Year's day? In the afternoon I checked the online, let me tell you:
Yuan has a beginning, refers to the time of the morning, also refers to the day. New Year's day, it is the first day of the year.
New Year's day is called ganjitsu in ancient times, it is said that "New Year's day" was originally called up from one of the three sovereigns ZhuanXu, ZhuanXu RMB for the first month, the first for the denier, and later the xia, shang, zhou, qin and han dynasties to the provisions of the New Year's day is different. Dynasty to the first day for New Year's day, the first lunar month shang dynasty in December month for New Year's day, the zhou dynasty in on the first New Year's day.
The word New Year's day originated in southern dynasties, people Xiao Ziyun dielectric jas poem: four new New Year's day, Wan Shouchu today. Song dynasty wu self "dream Liang Lu, a day of the first item: the ShuoRi, day of New Year's day, common for the New Year. First section sequence, this is a list. Han dynasty cui been reflected in "the third women of inscription" called. In the jin dynasty YuChan "Yang du fu" called magic. When put in a "song yuan will great imperial summer" called for the yuan in the spring. One commission "ganjitsu back toward the concept of military battle to camp" in the poem of yuan new moon. New Year's day is traditionally a summer (the lunar calendar, lunar calendar) in the first month the new moon. Have a different name in Chinese dialects, has called on the first day, has called the great day of the new moon, have called on the first day, generally called the first day. Month day of New Year's day is not consistent in the past dynasties. Took on the first day, the first lunar month shang dynasty in the month of December, the zhou dynasty beginning in November.
Oh! After original each festival has a history, we must study hard, get to know the history of the festival.
元旦一词,最早出自南朝人萧子云 《介雅》诗:四气新元旦,万寿初今朝。宋代吴自牧 《梦梁录》卷一正月条目:正月朔日,谓之元旦,俗呼为新年。一岁节序,此为之首。汉代崔瑗《三子钗铭》中叫元正。晋代庾阐《扬都赋》中称作元辰。北齐时的一篇《元会大享歌皇夏辞》中呼为元春。唐德宗李适《元日退朝观军仗归营》诗中谓之元朔。历来元旦指的是夏历(农历、阴历)正月初一。在汉语各地方言中有不同叫法,有叫大年初一的,有叫大天初一的,有叫年初一的,一般又叫正月初一。我国历代元旦的月日并不一致。夏代在正月初一,商代在十二月初一,周代在十一月初一。
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