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  Friendship needs care and attention to keep it in good health. Here are five ways to sustain(保持)long-distance friendships.

  ·Set a regular date

  Long-lasting friendships share the characteristic that both sides equally contact(联系)and share with one another. With busy schedules, squeezing in phone calls can be a challenge. 36

  ·More isn't always merrier

  Make sure you have communicated with your friend about how frequently each of you wants to be contacted and what method works best for you both. 37 . There are alternatives to constant written communication, such as leaving voice messages or having a group chat.

  ·Practise empathy(共情)

  38 . The friend who is remaining needs to be sensitive to all the additional time demands placed on the friend who has moved. The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned.

  · 39

  Anniversaries and birthdays carry even more weight in long-distance friendships. Although technology might make day-to-day communication possible, extra effort goes a long way on special days. Simply keeping a diary that keeps track of friends' birthdays and other important dates will make sure nothing slips by you.

  ·Don't rely on technology alone

  40 , but long-distance friendships -even close ones -may require more conscious effort to sustain. Try to seek out chances to renew friendships. How to do it? Just spend face-to-face time together whenever possible.

  A. Remember important dates

  B. Compensate by writing letters

  C. It is also helpful for you to be a friendship keeper

  D. Try to find a time that works for both of you and stick to it

  E. Friends need to talk about their preferred methods of communication

  F. It is easy to have a sense of connectedness through social media

  G. You may be the friend who left or the one who was left behind




  Young children across the globe enjoy playing games of hide and seek. For them, there's something highly exciting about 41 someone else's glance and making oneself unable to be seen.

  However, we all witness that preschool children are remarkably 42 at hiding. They often cover only their eyes with their hands, leaving the rest of their bodies 43 .

  For a long time, this ineffective hiding method was 44 as evidence that children are hopelessly "egocentric"(自我中心的)creatures. But our 45 research results in child developmental psychology 46 that idea.

  We brought young children aged 2-4 into our Minds in Development Lab at USC. Each 47 sat down with an adult who covered her own eyes or 48 . We then asked the child if she could 49 or hear the adult. Surprisingly, children replied that they couldn't. The same 50 happened when the adult covered her own mouth: 51 children said that they couldn't 52 to her.

  A number of 53 ruled out that the children misunderstood what they were being asked. The results were clear: Our young subjects 54 the questions and knew 55 what was asked of them. Their 56 to the questions reflected their true 57 that "I can see you only if you can see me, too." They simply 58 mutual(相互的)recognition and regard. Our 59 suggest when a child "hides" by putting a blanket over her head, it is not a result of egocentrism. In fact, children consider this method 60 when others use it.

  41. A. following B. taking C. escaping D. directing

  42. A. clever B. bad C. scared D. quick

  43. A. exposed B. examined C. untouched D. imbalanced

  44. A. supported B. guaranteed C. imagined D. interpreted

  45. A. disappointing B. mixed C. surprising D. desired

  46. A. explained B. confirmed C. contradicted D. tested

  47. A. parent B. child C. researcher D. doctor

  48. A. feet B. nose C. hands D. ears

  49. A. see B. help C. reach D. fool

  50. A. event B. thing C. action D. accident

  51. A. Yet B. Now C. Soon D. Once

  52. A. speak B. listen C. tum D. wave

  53. A. instructions B. descriptions C. experiments D. assumptions

  54. A. comprehended B. predicted C. explored D. ignored

  55. A. partly B. honestly C. vaguely D. exactly

  56. A. responses B. approaches C. contribution D. sensitivity

  57. A. ability B. belief C. identity D. purpose

  58. A. hold back B. relate to C. insist on D. make up

  59. A. limitations B. requirements C. theories D. findings

  60. A. tentative B. impressive C. creative D. effective



  May 21st this year marks the first International Tea Day, which was named officially 61 the United Nations on November 27th, 2019. To celebrate 62 festival, a number of events took place at the Chinese Businessman Museum in Beijing on Thursday.

  The chairman of the China Culture Promotion Society 63 (address)the opening ceremony. "As a main promoter of the International Tea Day, the birthplace of tea and the 64 (large)tea-producing country, China has a 65 (responsible)to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the tea industry. It can help to build a community with a 66 (share)future for mankind," he said.

  The "First International Tea Day Tea Road Cooperative Initiative" issued(发布)at the ceremony calls for people working in the tea industry to come together to promote international cooperation 67 cultural exchanges. A four-year tea promotion—Tea Road Cooperative Plan—was also issued in accordance with the initiative.

  68 (strengthen)the connection with young people, the event included a number of public promotional activities on social media, 69 (invite)twenty-nine tea professionals from around the world to have thirty-six hours of uninterrupted live broadcasts.

  The Chinese Ancient Tea Museum was officially unveiled(揭幕)at the ceremony, opening 70 (it)first exhibition: The Avenue of Truth—A Special Exhibition of Pu'er Tea.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)








  We all know that cycling is a greatly exercise. A doctor tells me people

  who lives the longest are dancers and cyclists. Maybe it is because the

  combination of fresh air, smooth movement and exercise. Whether you ride

  a bicycle, you don't use petrol. So they are not producing carbon dioxide

  and not cause air pollution. Just see how cars have been taken over our cities.

  They often run at high speeds, what may put our lives in danger. And there were

  traffic jams, too. Our cities will be better places if we replace cars with bicycle.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  学校英文报正在开展以Learning English Beyond the Classroom为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:









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