Once on his way to town, a peasant(农民)tied (拴;系) his horse to a tree and sat down to rest.
Soon a landlord came on his horse.He also wanted to rast.So he began to tie his horse to the same tree.
"Don't tie your horse to that tree!"shouted the peasant."My horse is wild;it will kill yours. Tie your horse to some other tree."
The landlord answered,"I'll tie my horse where I like to." And he tied his horse to the same tree.
Suddenly the horses began to fight. Before the two men could stop them,the landlord's horse was killed.
The landlord got very angry.He took the poor peasant to the judge."Oh,good judge,"he said, "this man's horse has killed mine.You must make him pay for my horse."
"Is that true?"the judge asked the peasant.
The peasant was silent.He was asked many more questions,but he did not say a word.
At last the judge said,"It's no use. The man cannot speak."
"Oh yes,he can,"said the landlord."He spoke to me very well out there on the road."
"What did he say ?"asked the judge.
"He told me not to tie my horse to that tree,because his horse could kill mine.He told me to tie my horse to some other tree."
"Ah,"said the judge."Now I see.So you think your horse must be paid for.Why did't you do as you were told to and save your horse from death?"
Then the judge asked the peasant,"Why didn't you answer my questions?"
"I wanted to make him tell you the true story,"explained the peasant.
1.Why did the peasant tell the landlord not to tie his horse to the same tree?
2.Why didn't the landlord do as the peasant had told him to?
3.Then what did the landlord do with his horse?
4.What happened suddenly? What happened to the landlord's horse?
5.What did the landlord ask the judge to do for him?
6.Did the peasant answer the judge's questions?
7.What did the landlord do to make the judge believe that the peasant could speak?
8.Why hadn't the peasant answered the judge's questions?
In October 1934, the Red Army broke through the enemy forces around Juichin(瑞金)and began the Long March. When it came to Tsunyi(遵义),an important meeting was held there by the Chinese Communist Party, which then made Comrade Mao Tse-tung the leader. After that,the Red Army went on ,fighting its way to the north, until it came to the Tatu River.The enemy thought the Red Army could not cross(渡过)the river, because it was unusually deep and rough.But the Red Army got the only boat and heroically went over. Another unit (部队)went ahead by the mountainside and reached the Luting Bridge (泸定桥). The enemy set fire (放火)to the house on the bridge, trying to stop the Red Army. But a number of Red Army fighters broke through the fire and took the bridge. The enemy sodiers ran away,and the Red Army under Comrade Mao Tse-tung crossed the Tatu and continued its march.It went over the Snow Mountain and crossed the Grasslands,and finally in October 1935 reached Yenan(延安).The Long March showed the world that the heroic people's army led by the Communists was ever victorious.
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