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  1.One of the important discoveries of physical science is the fact that when a bit of metal is warm it is greater than it is cold.Heat is the cause of expansion in metals.When enough heat is given to a liquid,it is put in motion.It is then said to be boiling.The amount of heat which is necessary for this effect may be measured on a scale

  and the degree at which it takes place is said to be the boiling-point of the liquid.

  a.What happens to a piece of metal when it gets warm?

  b.What causes the expansion in metals?

  c.What happens to a liquid if we give it enough heat?

  d.How can we determine the boiling point of a liquid?

  2.In the forests of India there are not so many trees and bushes are not so thick as they are in the hot wet parts of Africa.This kind of forest is called the jungle.The jungle is the home of the tiger.It is difficult for other animals to see the tiger as it makes its way through the long grass because of the stripes of black and orange on its body.With shining green eyes the tiger runs through the jungle looking for food.

  The tiger,like the lion,kills and eats the weaker animals that live in or near the jungle.So it must be able to move without making a noise.It must also be able to jump very far in order to catch the animal it wants to kill .This is why the tiger has a body that can jump so far,legs that are so terribly strong,and paws that can walk so quietly.

  a.What is the forest in India usually called?

  b.Why is it difficult for other animals to see the tiger as it makes its way through the long grass?

  c.What kind of food do tigers eat, meat or vegetables?

  d.What is the colour of the tiger's eyes?

  3.The question is often asked:"Just what do we communists mean when we say-socialism?" It's not complicated. We mean an advanced stage of social development which will abolish private ownership of the means of production.The means of production are today the property of a small group of capitalists.They use their property to exploit the labour of millions for their own personal profit. By socialism we mean collective ownership by the whole people of all the socially necessary means of production(land, natural resources,industries, railroads, banks,communications,etc.). We mean the operation of these means of production through a planned economy which will guarantee an ample supply and distribution of all commodities and services to all the people. Socialism does not exclude private ownership of personal property; in fact,most of us would have far more under socialism than we have now.Socialism denies the right to use any savings or possessions to exploit the labour of others.Under socialism, work is the right and duty of all able-bodies in accordance with the concept , "He who does not work-neither shall he eat."

  a.Name three of the socially necessary means of production mentioned in this paragraph.

  b.Under socialism would we have more or less property than we have now?

  c.Under socialism what is the right and duty of all people?

  d.What is abolished in the socialist state?

  4.Recent news from the Korean front tells of how men who once fought in Syngman Rhee's South Korean forces are now playing a heroic part in the rank of the people's forces.

  The Chinese Volunteers have picked up thousands of wounded and half-frozen,half-starved puppet korean soldiers who had been left to their fate by the Americans.Medical aid and food has been provided to the former puppet troops, who, once beginning to realize the cruel policy of the U. S. imperialists,give vent to their pent-up hatred and become eager to turn their guns against the U. S. aggressors.

  Some of these Korean soldiers have displayed extraordinary heroism after joining the people's forces.They are successfully persuading thousands of South Korean forces to surrender.This is one instance of how they go about doing this.During a patrol mission, one of these liberated soldiers, Sun Hyng Sun, sighted a group of puppet Korean troops on a hill. He shouted to them through a microphone, "I used to be a puppet soldier just like you. I've joined the People's Army and now I am well treated. What is the sense of fighting against your own people for the American aggressors and traitor Rhee? Come over, brothers!"

  Forty-three puppet soldiers emerged from their hide-outs and walked down the hill with their hands up. They belonged to the 27th Battalion of Rhee's 5th Division.

  a.Who is Syngman Rhee?

  b.What do the Chinese Volunteers do when they find wounded South Korean soldiers?

  c.What was Sun Hyng Sun formerly?

  d.Why did the forty-three South Korean soldiers come out from their hide-outs with their hands raised?

















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