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来源:考试吧(Exam8.com) 2011-3-1 18:29:59 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库


  One day,Raul was miles away from the small ranch(牧场) house in a large valley. 36 seemed to be all right, yet he felt strange and somewhat uneasy. The wind had picked up, and angry, dark clouds 37 across the sky. He could smell the rain coming. And it did. 38 ,the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly 39 Raul.The thunder(雷声) was so loud that he buried his 40 in his hands and rubbed his eyes.Then he heard it. Hoofbeats(蹄声).He 41 .There before him stood a tall, white 42 . An old man stared down at him from its back.

  “Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?” asked Raul.“My name is Gray Cloud,” the old man answered 43 .“Come with me.”

  Raul followed on his horse. A 44 feeling came over him.All 45 them the rain was pouring down, 46 not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be 47 back toward Raul’s home.Raul lost track of time.Then all at once he found 48 at the ranch gate.The old man turned his horse, 49 his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were 50 .

  Raul’s father ran out across the yard to 51 him.“we have been 52 sick about you. Are you okay?Hurry.Let’s get in out of the 53 .”

  “Wait,” said Raul. “Have you ever heard of an old man called Gray Cloud?”

  “Can’t say I … wait. I 54 my great-grandfather used to tell storied about a man called Gray Cloud. He died a long time ago. They say he was 55 by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?”

  36. A. Something B. Everything C. Anything D. Nothing

  37.A.dropped B. fell C. rolled D. covered

  38.A.Suddenly B. Strongly C. Quickly D. Hardly

  39.A.beating B. blinding C. burning D. touching

  40.A.nose B. hair C. neck D. head

  41.A.looked up B. woke up C. lay down D. sat down

  42.A.tiger B. horse C. lion D. elephant

  43.A.lazily B. angrily C. coldly D. slowly

  44.A.natural B. common C. strange D. bad

  45.A.around B. beside C. through D. above

  46.A.yet B. for C. so D. or

  47.A.walking B. leading C. heading D. returning

  48.A.them B. themselves C. him D. himself

  49.A.shook B. waved C. held D. took

  50.A.gone B. left C. followed D. lost

  51.A.see B. meet C. beat D. ask

  52.A.waited B. thought C. worried D. excited

  53.A.yard B. wind C. grass D. rain

  54.A.believe B. consider C. doubt D. forget

  55.A.defeated B. caught C. damaged D. struck




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