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来源:考试吧 2016-3-7 15:48:21 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库


  Learn to control your anger

  There are no easy steps to control your anger. The important thing is to allow yourself time to be better at each small step of the way.

  Realize the disadvantages of anger

  __1__ You often hear of people saying that it is OK to let your anger out. But it just feeds anger more as you are focused on it. Realize that you are angry and know that there is nothing positive in being angry.


  Anger is just a kind of feeling. It often happens in the following situation. __3__ When you realize that it is a feeling then you know there is something you can do about it. It's not something uncontrollable.

  Learn to be patient

  Patience is one of the best ways to control your anger. __4__ It allows your mind to clear. You need to recognize the feeling and then step away. As you realize more, you will stay more in control.

  Understand yourself

  __5__ Let go of your sense of what is right and wrong, should or should not. When you have the wisdom to see things for what they truly are, then your outbursts of anger will become less frequent as you practice these steps.

  Will you continue to be angry even though you know these steps? Of course you will. But just like everything you practice, you will become more skillful at it and you will be able to control your anger better.

  A. Wise decisions

  B. Recognize it as a kind of feeling

  C. Have the wisdom to learn about yourself.

  D. When you are angry, take a deep breath and step away.

  E. We feel we are right, but we have been misunderstood.

  F. You must realize that nothing good comes of being angry.

  G. Go to tell one of your best friends what has happened to you.

  1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

  答案:1.F 2.B 3.E 4.D 5.C



  It was a sunny day. A little boy's father was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer while watching __1__basketball match. Seeing this, the boy rushed to his father and shouted, “Daddy, show me how to play catch !” The father, staring __2__ the television screen, replied,“Let me finish watching the match. Play outside and come back in five minutes. ”

  “Okay, Daddy !” said the boy, running out of the room. Five minutes later, the boy returned, __3__(scream), “Daddy, let's play catch now ! ”

  By this time, the father had opened another cold beer and another match was beginning. __4__(patient) with the boy's interruption, the dad brought a magazine to his son. On the cover of the magazine was a large picture of the world. The father, who was angry and __5__ (bother), began tearing the magazine cover into small __6__. Then, the father turned to his boy and said, “Son, once you put this picture back together, we can play catch, but do not interrupt me again __7__ you finish. ”

  A few minutes later, the boy returned and said, “I __8__ (finish), Daddy! Can we play catch now?” Surprised, the father glanced towards his child, and__9__ lay the magazine with the world pieced perfectly together in his small hands. The dad asked his child how he put the world together so quickly.

  “__10__ was simple,” said the boy. “ On the back of the world was the picture of a person, and once I put the person together, that's when the world came together. ”

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

  5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

  9.________ 10.________


  1.a 2.at 3.screaming 4.Impatient 5.bothered

  6.pieces 7.until/before 8.have finished 9.there



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