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来源:考试吧 2016-3-18 13:34:03 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库



  1.The athlete's years of hard training ________ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.(went on, got through, paid off, ended up)

  答案:paid off 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:当这位运动员最终获得奥运会金牌时,她多年的刻苦训练总算得到了回报。go on“继续下去”;get through“完成;处理”;pay off“取得成功;奏效”;end up“最终处于……”。

  2.100 Peking Opera Classics have been translated into English and published, which are intended to ________ Chinese cultural classics in foreign countries.(counter, circulate, evaluate, distribute)

  答案:circulate 解析:考查动词辨析。counter“反驳,抵制”;circulate“传播,散布”;evaluate“评估,评价”;distribute“分布,分配,分销”。此处指“传播中国文化经典”。

  3.The rich Chinese no longer ________ the well-known brands, but pay more attention to the creativity and quality of products.(adore, assess, attach, adopt)

  答案:adore 解析:考查动词辨析。句意:中国有钱人不再喜爱名牌了,而是更关注产品的创意和质量。adore“热爱,喜爱,爱慕”;assess“估价,评估”;attach“依附;认为有(重要性);使依恋”;adopt“采取,采用;收养,领养”。

  4.I'm so glad you've come here to ________ this matter in person.(lead to, see to, turn to, refer to)

  答案:see to 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我很高兴你亲自来这里处理这个问题。lead to“导致,引起”;see to“处理;解决”;turn to“转向;求助”;refer to“涉及;查阅”。根据题干信息,与this matter in person搭配的应该表示的是“亲自解决问题”。

  5.He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system ________.(broke in, broke up, broke out, broke down)

  答案:broke down 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:他不得不时不时地停下来擦去额头的汗水,因为空调出毛病了。break in“打断;闯入”;break up“结束;散开;分解”;break out“爆发”;break down“崩溃;垮掉;出毛病;抛锚”。根据题干意思可知选broke down。

  6.(2013·吉林长春高中毕业班调研)According to the arrangement, the athletes of our school ________ at the gym for two hours every day.(work out, carry out, take in, set aside)

  答案:work out 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:根据安排,我们学校的运动员每天在体育馆锻炼两个小时。work out“锻炼”,符合句意。carry out“执行,实施”;take in“理解,领会”;set aside“留出,拨出”。故选work out。

  7. (2014·武汉武昌区高三调研)For an artist who has no lack of passion and great courage to overcome any difficulty, inspirations of his art will never ________.(break out, run out, work out, pull out)

  答案:run out 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:对于一个不缺少激情和战胜任何困难的勇气的艺术家来说,他的艺术灵感将永远不会枯竭。run out“用完,耗尽”,符合句意。break out表示“爆发”;work out表示“计算,解决”;pull out表示“驶出,脱离”。

  8. China's Beidou global satellite navigation system will have been completed by 2020, ________ of more than 30 satellites.(concluding, controlling, connecting, consisting)

  答案:consisting 解析:考查动词辨析。句意:中国的北斗全球卫星导航系统将于2020年前完成,是由30多颗卫星组成的。consist of“由……组成”。

  9. His failure in the job interview is due to the fact that he didn't ________ enough importance to honesty and manners.(attach, attain, adopt, appeal)

  答案:attach 解析:考查动词辨析。attach importance to为固定词组,意思是“认为……很重要”。

  10. The boy ________ that he didn't care about the failure, but the expression on his face gave him away.(made out, set out, found out, turned out)

  答案:made out 解析:考查动词短语。句意:该男孩假装他对失败不在乎,但是他脸上的表情出卖了他。make out“理解,明白,假装”;set out“出发,摆放,陈列”;find out“弄清”;turn out“制造,结果是,证明是”。在此句中make out的意思是“假装”。

  11. (2014·福建四地六校高三联考)You never know where happiness will ________ next, so grasp every chance around you.(show off, turn down, turn up, come in)

  答案:turn up 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:你永远无法知道下一次幸福会在哪里出现,所以要抓住你身边的每一个机会。show off“炫耀”;turn down“调低,拒绝”;turn up“调高,偶然出现”;come in“进来”。根据句意可知应选turn up。

  12. (2014·福建四地六校高三联考)—Have you got any idea why Mother asks for me?

  —She wants you to ________ your staying up last night.(search for, account for, wait for, say for)

  答案:account for 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:——你知道母亲为什么找我吗?——她想让你解释一下你昨晚熬夜的事。search for“搜寻,查找”;account for“说明,解释”;wait for“等待”;say for“为某人(或某事物)说明”。根据语境可知,应选account for。

  13. (2014·山西高三诊断)On Monday, 1.6 million railway tickets were booked through the online booking system, ________ 26.5% of all the sold tickets.(calling for, cutting down, breaking through, accounting for)

  答案:accounting for 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:星期一,通过网上订购系统预订的火车票有1 600 000张,占所有已卖出票数的26.5%。根据句意可知应选account for“占(一定数量或比例)”。call for“需要,要求”;cut down“缩减,砍倒”;break through“突破”。

  14. (2014·湖北八校高三联考)Emails are efficient and convenient, but the best way to ________ a message is still to talk it out in person.(attend to, break through, result from, get across)

  答案:get across 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:电子邮件使用起来高效方便,但最好的传递信息的办法还是当面交流。这里用get across表示“被传达,将……讲清楚”。

  15. (2014·浙江考试院抽学校高三抽测测试)You are my best friend. I know I can ________ you for good advice from time to time.(count on, deal with, refer to, stand for)

  答案:count on 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:你是我最好的朋友。我知道我能指望你给我不时地提些好的建议。count on表示“指望,依靠”,符合句意。deal with表示“对付,处理”;refer to表示“提到,查阅”;stand for表示“代表”。


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