Want to save money when travelling by train? Here are some ways.
Day Returns
This ticket can save you up to 45% on the standard fare (车费). You have to travel after the rush hour period Mon.-Fri. but can travel at any time on Sat.or Sun.
Big city Saves
These are special low-priced tickets on certain trains. Yon have to book in advance-at the latest by 16:00 the day before you travel. It's first come . first served.
Weekend Returns
Weekend Returns are available (有售) for most journeys over 60 miles. Go on Fri . Sat. or Sun,and return the same weekend on Sat. or Sun,and save up to 35% the standard fare.
Monthly Returns
There are available for most journeys over 65 miles. Go any day and return within a month.Monthly returns save you up to 25% on the standard fare.
Family Returns
For £20 this railcard allows you to take a second adult (成人) and up to 4 children for only £3 each when you buy single or return tickets. You can travel as often as you like until the card
60. Which is the best ticket to buy if you live in London and want to go to asmall town 80
miles away for four days?
A. Big City Savers B.Monthly Returns C.Weekend Returns D.Family Returns
61. A man bought himself a ticket of £15 and three tickets for his family with a family
railcard.How much did he pay?
A.£44 B. £29 C. £24 D.£15
Maybe ten-year-old Elizabeth put it best when she said to her fathet. "But. Dad. you can't be healthy if you're dead."
Ded.in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run. had forgotten to wear his safety belt-a mistake 75% of the US popuation make every day The big question is why.
There have been many myths about safety belts ever since heir first appearance in cars some forty years ago. The following are three of the most common.
Myth Number One:It's best to be "thrown clear"of a serious accident.
Truth:Sorry, but any accident serious enongh to "throw you clear"is alsogoing to be serious enough to give you a very bad landing. And chances are you'll have traveled througb a windshield(挡风玻璃)or door to do it. Studies show that cbances of dying after a car accident are twenty-five times greater in cases where people are "thrown clear."
Myth Number Two: Safety belts "trap" people in cars that are burning or sinking in water.
Truth: Sorry again. but stndies show that people knocked unconscious(昏迷) due to not
wearing safety belts have a greater chance of dying in these accidents People wearing safety belts are usually protected to the point of having a clear head to free themselves from such dangerous sinuaions. not to be trapped in them.
Myth Nomber Three Safcty belts aren't needed at speeds of less than 30 miles per hour
Truth: when two cars traveling at 30 mpb hit each other. an unbelted driver would meet
the windshield with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 meters.
·2010年山东高考英语答案[考试吧版] (2010-6-11 13:42:44)
·2010年浙江高考英语试题及答案[考试吧版] (2010-6-11 10:03:05)
·2010年海南高考英语答案[考试吧版] (2010-6-11 9:52:06)
·2010年高考英语答案(新课标)[考试吧版] (2010-6-10 17:02:12)
·2010年普通高等学校招生考试英语(全国I卷)估分(河北) (2010-6-8 16:04:58)
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