67 Peeple would sipp feeling uneasy wben realisng that ibe ch]Idren tbey're ialking to
A. aiiend a stage sehoo]
B. are going to ibe theaire
C. hsv. gor some work io do
D. ]ove singlns and dancins
68 In ihe wrier's opnion. a ged siage school shoud.
A. preduco siar performers
B. help pup;ls imnrove iheir siudy sk]1]s
C. train pupils in Isnguage and periorming arts
D. provide a guneral ofucation and siage irairting
69."Professional work" as used in the next means_____.
A.ordinary school work
B.rooneyrnaking performances
C. siage oraining at school
D. aciing. singing or dancing afier class
70. Whck ofthe follewing beat deecrbes how the wrier feels abeui siage echoolso
A. He ibinks hishlv of wbnt they have ic rffer.
B. He favours an early siart in the training of performing aris.
C.He f'els uncomforiable aboui chldren vuiiins on nieh: sbows.
D.He douhis ihe siandard of ordlnary educaiion ihew have reachof.
B) 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项.
John: Oh. hi, Fred! 71 . Why are vou so late?
Sled: 72 .She always keeps us in class until ten past ten.
John: Doesn't she know that you're supposet to get out at ten.
Sled: 73 .But she never look at her watch.She just keeps talking.
John: Don't the students compain(抱怨)about it? 74 .
Sled: No, 75 .
John: Well,you could try and talk to her.
Fred: Maybe.
A.They don't think so
B I didn't know whether to save you a place or not
C.Everybody is too polite
D 1 guess so
E.Mary had a talk with me.
F.It's our maths teather.
G. I would say something
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