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来源:考试吧 2020-4-3 17:34:24 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库



  1. (2015·常州模拟)—Can you help me?

  —Yes. ________ your teacher’s advice, in my opinion, and everything will be OK.

  A. Follow        B. Following

  C. To follow D. Followed

  【解析】选A。考查“祈使句+and+陈述句”结构, 因此正确答案为A。本题中的祈使句后加了in my opinion这一插入语, 加大了试题难度。


  ________ you follow your teacher’s advice, in my opinion, everything will be OK.

  A. Unless  B. If   C. Since  D. Because

  【解析】选B。句意: 如果接受老师建议的话, 在我看来, 一切都好。此处为条件状语从句, 故用连词if合适。

  2. —I think the firm may not offer you a good pay.

  — ________ , I won’t take the job.

  A. That is to say B. What’s more

  C. In that case D. In other words

  【解析】选C。句意: ——我认为公司不可能提供给你丰厚的报酬。——在那种情况下, 我不会接受工作。that is to say也就是说; what’s more而且, 更为甚者; in that case在那种情况下; in other words换句话说。

  3. (2015·淮安模拟)In their efforts to persuade us to buy that product, shopkeepers have made a close study of human nature and have ________ all our weaknesses.

  A. divided B. arranged

  C. classified D. separated

  【解析】选C。句意: 在说服我们买那种产品所尽的努力中, 店员深入研究了人性而且将我们的弱点进行了分类。classify“将……分类”, 符合句意。divide“划分”; arrange“安排”; separate“分开”。

  4. We are at your service. Don’t hesitate to ________ us if you have any further problems.

  A. appeal to B. turn to

  C. come to D. apply to

  【解析】选B。考查动词短语。句意: 我们随时为您效劳。如果还有问题, 可随时找我们。turn to sb. 意思是: 向某人求助。


  (2015·武汉模拟)When you have difficulty in learning new words, you can ________ the dictionary.

  A. turn up B. turn in

  C. turn to D. turn over

  【解析】选C。考查动词短语。句意: 当你学习新单词有困难时, 你可以求助于词典。A项意为“把声音调大, 出现”, B项意为“上交”, D项意为“翻转”。

  5. (2015·安徽师大附中模拟)—Shall I check the lab before I go home?

  — ________ . I’ll check it myself later.

  A. Go ahead B. No problem

  C. No hurry D. Don’t bother【解析】选D。句意: ——我回家前要不要我检查一下实验室? ——不烦劳你了, 晚些时候我会亲自检查的。go ahead“干吧, 做吧”; no problem“没问题”; no hurry“不着急”; don’t bother“不烦劳你了”。

  6. As we all know, he has ________ having been frightened and accepted others’ help.

  A. acknowledged B. confessed

  C. recognized D. admitted

  【解析】选A。句意: 据我们所知, 他承认受惊并且接受了他人的帮助。acknowledge指“公开承认(隐瞒或否认做过的事)”符合题意。confess自愿服罪或认错; recognize正式承认(主权、权利); admit在外界或自己良心的压力下承认。

  7. (2015·徐州模拟)Of course, access ________ up-to-date, accurate information is an important thing for anyone ________ is doing research.

  A. to; whose B. of; that

  C. to; who D. of; who

  【解析】选C。access to sth. “使用某物或接近某物的机会或权利”; 先行词为anyone而定语从句中又缺少主语, 故用who。

  8. (2015·南京模拟)—Hey, if you can’t enjoy that at a sensible volume, please use the earphone. I’m studying.

  —Oh, I’m sorry. I ________ realize it ________ you.

  A. don’t; bothers B. didn’t; bothered

  C. don’t; was bothering D. didn’t; was bothering

  【解析】选D。答句句意: 我没意识到(指前者提醒之前没意识到, 现在已意识到了)这么大的音量一直打扰着您。故第一个空用一般过去时, 第二个空用过去进行时。

  9. —How soon will the candidates get their university admissions?

  —It may take three weeks for all the applications to be ________ .

  A. withdrawn B. delivered

  C. edited D. processed

  【解析】选D。考查动词。句意: ——申请者要多久才能拿到他们的大学录取通知书? ——所有的申请处理起来要三个星期。withdraw撤回, 取消; deliver投递, 传送; 发表; edit编辑; process处理, 加工。根据句意选D。

  10. (2015·宿迁模拟)He commanded that all the gates ________ immediately in case the murderer escaped.

  A. should shut B. would be shut

  C. shut D. be shut

  【解析】选D。句意: 他命令立刻关上所有的门以免杀人犯逃走。command后接宾语从句时, 从句使用虚拟语气, 即“should+动词原形”, should可以省略。宾语从句的主语gates与shut之间为逻辑上的动宾关系, 因此使用被动语态。

  11. According to school bus safety rules, when a school bus stops on the road to ________ or pick up students, other vehicles behind it must stop to wait.

  A. drop off B. take off C. pay off D. turn off

  【解析】选A。句意: 根据校车安全条例, 当校车在公路上停车上下学生时, 其后的车辆必须停车等待。drop off“中途下客”对应pick up。take off“脱下, 脱掉”; pay off“付清, 还清, 付清工资解雇(某人)”; turn off“关掉”。

  12. (2015·海门模拟)—Excuse me, I’d like to make an early ________ to have my hair cut tomorrow.

  —Will 8 o’clock do?

  A. appointment B. arrangement

  C. employment D. engagement

  【解析】选A。句意: ——劳驾, 我想早点预约明天理发。——8点行吗? make an appointment“预约, 约定”, 符合句意。arrangement“排列, 安排”; employment“雇用, 使用”; engagement“约会, 订婚”。

  13. (2015·盐城模拟)We are looking into the problem. You can offer any information ________ to it.

  A. similar B. relevant C. unique D. equal

  【解析】选B。句意: 我们正在调查这个问题。你可以提供与此相关的任何信息。relevant“相关的”, 符合句意。similar“相似的”; unique“独特的”; equal“相等的”。

  14. (2015·太湖模拟)He refused to acknowledge ________ in the match, but in vain.

  A. to defeat B. to be defeated

  C. defeating D. being defeated

  【解析】选D。句意: 他拒绝承认在比赛中被击败, 但这一切都是徒劳的。acknowledge后接动名词作宾语, 主语he与defeat之间为逻辑上的动宾关系, 故选D。

  15. Any packet ________ properly will not be accepted by the post office.

  A. not to address B. not being addressed

  C. not addressed D. not having addressed

  【解析】选C。写地址与包裹之间是被动关系, 应用过去分词表被动。表示否定意思时, 将否定词放于非谓语动词之前, 故选C

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