Text 1
W: I was at the gate at one o’clock. How did I miss you?
M: I got there at twelve o’clock and waited a while. But I left before you got there, around half past twelve, I guess.
Text 2
M: I’m really tired, Mary. But I don’t want to miss the Hollywood movie that comes on at eleven.
W: If I were you, I wouldn’t do it. We’d better go to bed now, for we have to get up early tomorrow. And anyway, I’ve heard it’s not as exciting as advertised.
Text 3
W: Excuse me. I’m looking for the textbook for my geography course. It’s called “Worldwide Climate”. Do you have it?
M: Yes, we do. You can find it in Section 24 on the top shelf.
Text 4
M: Does this bus go to the City Hall?
W: Yes. Please wait for the next one. This bus is overcrowded.
M: But I have already waited for about 20 minutes! I can’t wait any longer!
Text 5
M: Good afternoon. I’m Robert Anderson. I have an appointment with Mrs. Brown. Is she in?
W: Yes, she is. She’s been waiting for you in her office. Please come in.
Text 6
M: I’m almost frozen! It was supposed to get warmer today.
W: Yeah, I thought so, too. That’s what the weatherman said.
M: What’s the temperature?
W: The maximum is 15 degrees centigrade, he said.
M: It must be the wind that makes it so cold. I’m freezing!
W: Me, too. Let’s go inside. Maybe there’s a live basketball game on TV now.
M: OK. And… it’s no fun having dinner out here, even if the sun is shining.
Text 7
W: Hi, Mark. Are you in town for another job interview?
M: Yes, I’m hopeful this time.I’ve just finished my second interview with this company.
W: That sounds great.How many people are they interviewing?
M: They interviewed 16 the first time, and now four of us were chosen to go back for this interview. So, you know, twelve failed in the first interview.
W: Well, I hope it goes well.John and I would love it if you came back to this area to work, because we are friends.
M: I would too.
Text 8
M: Hello, Sue…fancy meeting you here! It is Sue Johnson, isn’t it?
W: Oh, hi, Jim. It must be ages since we saw each other. What a surprise! How are you?
M: Yes, well…I’m fine…just got back from two years of teaching in Hong Kong, actually.
W: I thought you’d gone into computer programming or engineering.
M: No, I ended up being a teacher after all…And how about you?
W: Oh, fine. Things are going quite well in fact.
M: So what’ve you been up to over the last three years?
W: Working, studying, you know, usual things after graduation…. Oh, and I got married last year.
M: Congratulations! Anyone I know?
W: Yeah, you might remember him from our college days. Do you remember Gerry? Gerry Fox?
M: Gerry… Was he the one with the dark hair and beard?
W: No, that was Sam, No. Gerry’s got blond hair with no beard. He wears glasses and… he’s pretty tall.
M: Oh, he was on our class basketball team, I remember.
Text 9
M: Hello.
W: Hi, Tom. This is Diana from the creative writing class.
M: Oh, hi, Diana. What’s up?
W: Well, I have a new project I thought you might be interested in. I’m setting up a writer’s group, you know, a support group for people who are trying to get published.
M: Well, how would it work?
W: We get together once a week. I’ve already arranged for a meeting room in the library, and then we share what we were working on and offer each other some advice.
M: I could use some advice. I’m working on a short story that I’d like to get published in the Campus Literature Review. You’ve done that, haven’t you? Didn’t I see a poem of yours in the last issue?
W: Yes, I was so excited to finally see my work in print. It was presented three times. You just have to keep trying if they turn you down.
M: Well, I’m sure the group could help me, but I don’t know how much I can contribute. I’m just starting out.
W: That’s OK. I know from your comments in class that you will be a valuable member. We will get someone more experienced to help us, too.
M: Sounds great. You can definitely count me in.
Text 10
Good morning students. My name is Mrs. Brown, and I’m in charge of the school trip next week. Please take out your School Trip Permission Note so that you can fill it in. For ins urance purpose, this note must be signed by your guardian. First of all, fill in the name of your class. Everyone here is in 3A, aren’t they? And…we’re going to the Blue Mountains. The day we leave is Monday June 10. The bus will leave from the front gate at 7: 50 am. However, we’ll use the side gate when we return.
On the way there, we’ll provide fruit on the bus, but you must bring your own lunch. While we’re on the trip we’ll be walking around a lot in some fairly rough country. Be very careful to wear strong shoes. It’s very important that you look after your feet very well. Now does anyone have any questions to ask?
No questions? Okay. I’d just like to fill in a few more details. The bus is not a new one but it does carry one piece of special equipment—a first aid case. I certainly hope we won’t have to use it, but it’s nice to know it’s there in case we have a medical emergency.
I wish you a good day, and I’m sure it’ll be a thoroughly successful trip.
·2020年高考英语抢分题型专练及答案(13) (2020-4-3 17:34:24)
·2020年高考英语抢分题型专练及答案(12) (2020-4-3 17:33:27)
·2020年高考英语抢分题型专练及答案(11) (2020-4-3 17:31:14)
·2020年高考英语抢分题型专练及答案(10) (2020-4-1 16:16:05)
·2020年高考英语抢分题型专练及答案(9) (2020-4-1 16:14:49)
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